Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 1 09:30 〜 10:50 |
Evaporative Condensers Using Flat Tubes
Visualization during two-phase flow of R32 in a horizontal multi-port flat tube
Effect of Flow Direction on Condensation Heat Transfer Performance of Layered Microchannel Heat Exchanger
Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 2 11:10 〜 12:30 |
Heat exchange technology for exergy loss reduction
Aluminum alloys for heat exchangers
Development of Heating Circulation Type Heat Pump for Industries
Air Heat Source Type Heat Pump Equipped With A Double-Wall Plate Type Heat Exchanger |
Development of Long Term Thermal Energy Storage Module for Automotive Applications
Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 3 13:30 〜 15:10 |
Development of the thickness measurement method for liquid-film flow via Optical-fiber-based Reflective Probe
Development of Highly Efficient Evaporator and Absorber for Absorption Chiller
Development of Shell-and-Tube Type Vertical Falling Film Evaporators
Development of Evaporator for Refrigerator improved dehydrating performance of defrost water
Study on Drainage Characteristics of Heat Exchangers