2024/09/04 (Day 1)


A11 Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 1 09:20 〜 10:40

Chairperson: NISHIDA Kosaku (MAYEKAWA MFG. CO., LTD.)

A111 Activity Report of the Research Project “Advanced Heat Exchanger Technology for the Adjustment to Carbon Neutrality"

◯ HIROTA Masafumi (Aichi Inst. Tech.)

A112 Spectroscopic identification of corrosion products formed in ant nest corrosion of copper tubing

◎ TANAKA Hirofumi (Doshisha University), YUASA Motohiro, MIYAMOTO Hiroyuki, SUZUKI Yuta, GOTO Takuya, YAMADA Takuro (Daikin Industries), TERAI Ko, YAMAKAWA Kiyoshi, EMURA Chie

A113 Optimization of Honeycomb Structure for Adsorbent-Integrated PTC Heaters


A114 Enhancing Performance and Reducing Costs of Heat Exchangers Applied with Microchannel Structures


A12 Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 2 11:00 〜 12:20


A121 Expanding applicability of Aluminum to hot water supply and air-conditioning applications by improving its functionality

◯ SHIKAZONO Naoki (The University of Tokyo), BEKKI Yoichiro (UACJ Corporation), NISHIDA Ryosuke (Japan Exlan Co., Ltd.)

A122 Influence on coating film characteristic of fins during fogging occurrence of heat exchangers

◯ HARA Aoi (UACJ), FUJIMURA Ryoko, FUKADA Sayo, UGAJIN Yuki (Mitsubishi Electric)

A123 Development of plate heat exchanger technology for natural refrigerant and low GWP refrigerant

◯ ASAOKA Yoshihiko (Alfa Laval)

A124 Latest trends of the Brazed Plate Heat Exchanger


A13 Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 3 13:20 〜 14:40

Chairperson: HASHIMOTO Katsumi (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry)

A131 【KEYNOTE】Trends and Development in Technologies to Preserve Freshness and Quality of Agricultural Produce and Foods, Expected to Enhance Global Distribution and Reduce Food Loss

◯ TANAKA Fumihiko (Kyushu University), TANAKA Fumina

A132 Development of Large Temperature Difference Falling Film Chiller Using CO2 Secondary Refrigerant


A133 Development of catalyst-integrated heat exchanger using metal AM technology

◯ EGUCHI Shunsaku (MHI), TAKAHASHI Yuta, SATO Keiichi, NAGAHARA Shunichi, NAKAHARAI Hiroyuki, TANIMOTO Koichi

A14 Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 1 15:00 〜 16:20

Chairperson: MIYATA Kazushi (Fukuoka University)

A141 【Keynote】Thermal solution for semiconductor devices utilizing a flat laminate vapor chamber

◯ MIZUTA Kei (Kagoshima University)

A142 Performance evaluation of compact and lightweight heat exchangers by metal additive manufacturing

◎ SAITO Shimpei (AIST), BABA Soumei, KINOSHITA Koichi, TAKADA Naoki, SOMEYA Satoshi (TDU)

A143 Effect of Channel Geometry of R454C in a Layered Microchannel Evaporator

◎ KAMIYAMA Shotaro (Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology), NOGUCHI Ryogo, JIGE Daisuke, INOUE Norihiro, SAGAWA Kentaro (Fujitsu General Limited)


B11 Advancement in Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Technologies in Western Japan Area 1 09:35 〜 10:40

Chairperson: MIYAZAKI Takahiko (Kyushu University)

B111 【Keynote】The Heat Transfer Family ー History of Steam Power Laboratory of Kyushu University ー

◯ TAKATA Yasuyuki (Kyushu University)

B112 Development History and Future Prospects of Iceman Co.
The History of Ice Machine Development Born in the Chikugo Plain and Future Initiatives for the World


B12 Advancement in Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Technologies in Western Japan Area 2 11:00 〜 12:20

Chairperson: INOUE Tetsuji (ICEMAN Corp.)

B121 Introduction of Enterprise Support Utilizing Computational Fluid Dynamics and Flow Visualization

◯ MURATA Akihiko (Fukuoka Industrial Technology Center), YAMAMOTO Keiichiro, OUCHI Takafumi, IWASAKI Toru (ACE WATER Co., Ltd.), INOUE Koichi (The University of Kitakyushu)

B122 Key points of achieving ZEB by gas equipment and examples of "gas ZEB"

◯ SHUMPEI Ichikawa (Saibu Gas Techno Solution)

B123 Evaluation example of the ceiling radiation panel air-conditioning system on CFD


B124 Development of Ground Source Natural Refrigerant (CO₂) Heat Pump Water Heater for Business Use

◯ IMABAYASHI Ryosuke (Showa Manufacturing Co., Ltd.), TARA Takeaki

B13 Thermophysical Properties of Refrigerants 1 13:40 〜 14:40

Chairperson: MATSUDA Kenji (Waseda Univerity)

B131 PvTx Measurements for R454C and R455A
Importance of the binary mixing parameters in REFPROP 10.0

◯ HIGASHI Yukihiro (Kyushu Univ.)

B132 Basic characteristics of the next Generation Low-GWP Refrigerant “AMOLEA®1224yd”


B133 Hot Surface Ignition Temperature on Next-Generative Low-GWP Refrigerant

◯ IMAMURA Tomohiko (Suwa University of Science), SAWAYAMA Tomoki, HAYAMIZU Hiroki (AGC Inc.)

B14 Thermophysical Properties of Refrigerants 2 15:00 〜 16:00

Chairperson: KAYUKAWA Yohei (AIST)

B141 Measurements of Viscosity and Thermal Conductivity of R1132(E)


B142 Method for Calculating Viscosity Binary Interaction Parameters in Extended Corresponding States Viscosity Models for Mixtures

◯ MORSHED Monjur (Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saga University, Saga, 840-8502, Japan), MIYARA Akio (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Saga University, Saga, 840-8502, Japan)

B143 Liquid Phase Speed of Sound Measurements for R32/R1234yf Binary Mixtures and Comparison with Each Mixture Model

◎ YAMAUCHI Haruto (Fukuoka Univ.), NISHIYAMA Takashi, GAO Lei


C11 Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 1 09:20 〜 10:40

Chairperson: YAMAGUCHI Seiichi (Waseda University)

C111 Vapor-liquid Equilibrium modeling of CO2 absorption process with UNIFAC-IL

◎ ZHOU Yingxin (Kyushu University), SOMAD Zainuri Chairunnisa, YOU Cheng, WU Yitong, THU Kyaw, MIYAZAKI Takahiko

C112 Development of a Single-Effect Double-Lift Absorption Chiller That Uses Unused Waste Heat in Wide Temperature Difference
Performance Behavior of a Production Prototype with Respect to Hot Water, Chilled Water and Cooling Water Temperature Changes

◯ FUJII Tatsuo (Johnson Controls Building Efficiency Japan), HIRUTA Kentaro, UCHIDA Shuichiro (Hitachi-Johnson Controls Air Conditioning, Inc.)

C113 Effect of difference of absorption concentration on absorption ande regeneration rates with HFO, HFC refregerant and ionic liquid pair

◯ ESAKI Takehiro (Kyushu University), SUGAI yuichi

C114 Performance of a prototype on absorption compression hybrid refrigeration system using Low-GWP refrigerant

◯ WAKABAYASHI Tsutomu (OSAKA GAS), TAKIOKA Ryosuke, YABASE Hajime (WASEDA UNIV.), INOUE Naoyuki, IKUMI Yonezo, TOJO Kenji, SAITO Kiyoshi

C12 Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 2 11:00 〜 12:20

Chairperson: ESAKI Takehiro (Kyuhsu University)

C121 Heat release characteristics of honeycomb module made of copper-manganese redox type chemical heat storage material

◎ CHEN Xiaoyu (Nagoya U.), KUBOTA Mitsuhiro, YAMASHITA Seiji, KITA Hideki

C122 The stable thermal output of a moving bed reactor based on composite binary salt hydrates

◯ LIU Hongzhi (Hokkaido University), HE Fang, NAGANO Katsunori

C123 The examination of factors affecting performance changes in chemical thermal storage material due to repeated reactions using machine Learning
The computational model using Neural Networks for rapid performance analysis of chemical thermal storage material

◯ ICHINOSE Atsuhiro (Sumitomo Electric Industries), KAKI Hirokazu, KOBAYASHI Noriyuki (Nagoya University), OMURA Kanato

C124 Air Cooling System by Using Chemical Reaction Heat and Latent Heat

◯ NAKASO Koichi (Okayama univ.), KAJIMOTO Koharu, MINO Yasushi, GOTOH Kuniaki, NOGAMI Hiroshi (Tohoku univ.)

C13 Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 3 13:20 〜 14:40

Chairperson: NAKASO Koichi (Okayama University)

C131 Effect of Chemical Adsorption on the Performance of Dehumidifiers for Dry Room


C132 Effect of Characteristics of the Desiccant Paper on Temperature and Humidity Distribution Inside Desiccant Rotors.

◎ NAITO Kaito (SIST), YAMAMOTO Yuna, NABESHIMA Yuki, KIMURA Ryuji (NIT, Kochi College)

C133 Operating characteristics of desiccant coated heat exchangers for bus air conditioning

◯ JEONG Jongsoo (Waseda university), SAITO Kiyoshi

C134 Development of a high latent heat exchange efficiency and thermal exchange characteristics in a heat storage type total heat exchanger.

◯ KANNO Toru (SHARP), IDE Tetsuya, HAMADA Hiroka, NISHINA Takumi, UEKI Shun

C14 Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 4 15:00 〜 16:20

Chairperson: NABESHIMA Yuki (Shizuoka Institute of Science and Technology)

C141 Numerical analysis of a novel system combining dew-point evaporative cooling and adsorption.

◯ CHENG Yang (Kyushu University), TAKAHIKO Miyazaki, THU Kyaw

C142 Scaling analysis of CO2 temperature swing adsorption system integrated with adsorption heat transformer

LIU Xuetao (Department of Advanced Environmental Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University), ◯ CHEN Haonan, LI Guangyao, THU Kyaw, MIYAZAKI Takahiko

C143 Preparation of solid adsorbent/aluminum composite for adsorption refrigeration

◎ YAMAUCHI Yuma (Kanazawa Univ.), SAKATOKU Kaishi, TSUJIGUCHI Takuya, KODAMA Akio, KUMITA Mikio

C144 Research and Development of Low-Cost Adsorption Heat Pump using Natural Mesporous Material
16th Report: Experimental and Numerical Study on the Heat Pump for the Purpose of Heating

◯ SHO Yoshida (Hokkaido University), KATSUNORI Nagano, FANG HE, JUNYA Togawa (Nihon Netsugen Systems), RISA Igarashi (Hokkaido University)


D11 Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 1 09:00 〜 10:40

Chairperson: MIYARA Akio (Saga University), LIU Guoqiang (Xi’an Jiaotong University)

D111 Study on the impact of position design of air-conditioning return vents on the spread of droplet infectious diseases in bus cabin

CHANG Tong-Bou (National Chiayi University, Taiwan.), ◯ LEE Min-Chen, LIN Wen-Sheng

D112 Analysis of the effect of ventilation modes on TVOC compounds in the vehicle

CHANG Tong-Bou (National Chiayi University, Taiwan.), ◯ LIN Yu-Chun

D113 Waste Heat Application for Defrosting System in Refrigerated Truck

◯ ZUL FITRIANI Raydha (National Chin-Yi University of Technology), KUAN Yean-Der, LI Hao-Wei, YEH Yuan-Ching, CHEN Chia-Yuan

D114 Experimental Study on a Multifunctional Air Conditioning System for Electric Vehicles

CHANG Tong-Bou (National Chiayi University, Taiwan.), BEI Bao-Qiang, ◯ GAO Ren-Xian

D115 Experimental Measurement of Aviation Refrigerated Container Using Refrigeration System
Experimental Measurement of Aviation Refrigerated Container Using Refrigeration System

◎ HSU Chih-Neng (TSHRAE and Department of Refrigeration, Air-Conditioning and Energy Engineering, National Chin-Yi University of Technology, Taichung, 411030, Taiwan, R.O.C.), CHEN Yi-Hsun (Department of Refrigeration, Air-Conditioning and Energy Engineering, National Chin-Yi University of Technology, Taichung, 411030, Taiwan, R.O.C.)

D12 Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 2 11:00 〜 12:20

Chairperson: NISHIYAMA Takashi (Fukuoka University), CHANG Tong-Bou (National Chiayi University)

D121 Theoretical Prediction of Speed of Sound for Binary Refrigerant Pairs: R134a/245fa and R125/245fa

◎ ITAIWI Alaa (Kyushu University), SAMEEN Isha, AKASAKA Ryo (NEXT-RP, Kyushu Sangyo University), MIYAZAKI Takahiko (NEXT-RP, Kyushu University), HIGASHI Yukihiro (NEXT-RP), HIRATSUKA Kengo (Advanced Technology R&D Center, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation), FUJIWARA Tomoya, THU Kyaw (NEXT-RP, Kyushu University)

D122 Speed of Sound Measurement in Lubricant/Refrigerant Mixture using Time-of-Flight Technique

◎ SAMEEN Isha (Kyushu University), ITAIWI Alaa, MIYAZAKI Takahiko, HIGASHI Yukihiro (NEXT-RP, Kyushu University), HIRATSUKA Kengo (Mitsubishi Electric Corporation), FUJIWARA Tomoya, THU Kyaw (NEXT-RP, Kyushu University)

D123 Fitting the multiparameter equation of state for binary mixtures using theoretically predicted liquid speed of sound data

◯ THU Kyaw (NEXT-RP, Kyushu University, Japan), ITAIWI Alaa (IGSES, Kyushu University, Japan), ISHA Isha, AKASAKA Ryo (Faculty of Science and Engineering, Kyushu Sangyo University), MIYAZAKI Takahiko (NEXT-RP, Kyushu University, Japan), HIGASHI Yukihiro, HIRATSUKA Kengo (Advanced Technology R&D Center, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation), FUJIWARA Tomoya

D124 Study on the degradation rates of vanadium electrolyte in chemical and electrochemical reaction

◯ FAN Syuan-Yu (National Chin-Yi University of Technology), KUAN Yean-Der, YANG Tien-Fu

D13 Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 3 13:20 〜 14:40

Chairperson: FUKUDA Sho (Kyushu sangyo University), LEE Kwang Ho (Korea University)

D131 Observation of the condensed droplet growth and dehydration process on the flocked surface coated with hydrophobic agent and measurement of condensation rate

◎ QIN Xiawei (Kyushu Univ), HAMAMOTO Yoshinori

D132 Moisture Air Transfer Characteristics of Refrigerator under Door Closing and Opening Conditions

◯ GUOQIANG Liu (Xi’an Jiaotong University), GANG Yan, GUIXIANG He, TIANYANG Zhao

D133 Research on the influence of fin design of CPU cooler on heat transfer performance and fan energy consumption

CHANG Tong-Bou (National Chiayi University, Taiwan.), ◯ CHEN Hao, LO Yun-Chien

D134 Heating and Combustion Efficiency Improvement of High-efficiency Heating Pot with Heat Dissipation Fins

◯ WANG Qi You (National Chin-Yi University of Technology), LUO Win-Jet

D14 Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 4 15:00 〜 16:40

Chairperson: EDGAR Santiago Galicia (Saga University), MOON Joo Hyun (Hanbat National University)

D141 The impact of greenhouse water curtains on crops and net-zero carbon emissions

◯ LI Chun-Hung (National Chin-Yi University of Technology), YAN Ah-Taur, CHING Shou-Ang

D142 Analyzing Heat Transfer Between the Human Body and the Environment Using Thermal Quadrupole Method

◎ HSU Cheng-Tang (TSHRAE), SHIH Shi-Hao, SHIH Yang-Cheng

D143 Numerical simulation study on structural optimization and air supply performance of air cooler shroud

◯ XIE Dong (University of South China), JIANG Liqiang, TANG Huihuang, YANG Hongbo (Guangzhou Icesource Co., Ltd)

D144 Thermal Energy Storage Efficiency Enhancement of a Heat Pump System Utilizing Composite Phase Change Material

◯ LAN Fang Yin (National Chin Yi University of Technology), LUO Win Jet

D145 Analyze The Performance Differences of PEMFC Single-Cell Between With and Without SCU on Different Piece of Membrane Electrode Assembly By Using a Self-made Controller

◯ CHANG Yu-Chuan (National Chin-Yi University of Technology), CHEN Yu-Chih, YANG Tien-Fu, KUAN Yean-Der


E11 General Session 1 09:00 〜 10:40

Chairperson: GAO Lei (Fukuoka University)

E111 Technology for Detecting Refrigerant Leakage in Commercial Air Conditioning Systems Using IoT Data
Study on Unification of Feature Design (1st Report)


E112 Computational Design of PFAS Alternatives through Comprehensive Exploration of Small-Molecule Space

◯ SATO Masahiro (The University of Tokyo), SHIMAKAWA Hajime, KUMADA Akiko

E113 Effect of humidity on Lead Testing Method of Air-Conditioner

◎ HIGASHI Tomohiro (CRIEPI), ITO Makoto

E114 Work loss analysis on refrigeration and heat pump cycles using T-S diagram
Usefulness verification for graphic representation of work losses on T-S diagram

◎ YAMADA Hikaru (CRIEPI), SAIKAWA Michiyuki

E115 Optimizing Air Handling Units in Multi-Zone Buildings Using Machine Learning and Genetic Algorithms

◯ CHAERUN NISA Elsa (National Chin-Yi University of Technology), KUAN Yean-Der, LIN Cheng-Hsiang

E12 Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 1 11:00 〜 12:20

Chairperson: MATSUMOTO Ryosuke (Kansai University)

E121 Observation of the growth process of frost hills formed at the front end of a cryogenically cooled flat plate under forced convection

◯ NISHIKAWA Hikaru (Waseda University Graduate School), HATTORI Akihiro (University of Tokyo), YOSHIDA Mikio (Waseda University Graduate School), TOMITA Taisei, KATO Sota (Waseda University), HYODO Kai, SATO Tetsuya

E122 Effect of air humidity conditions on frost distribution in heat exchanger

◎ KIMURA Shunto (Kansai University), MATSUMOTO Ryosuke, ODA Yutaka, KOBAYASHI Keito

E123 The Prediction on Frosting of Automotive Heat Pump

◯ TSUNODA Isao (Shizuoka University)

E124 Effect of conditions of adsorbent-coated layer on flat plate on frosting phenomenon

◎ YOKOMACHI Masaki (Kanazawa University), ONISHI Hajime (Komatsu University)

E13 Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 2 13:20 〜 14:40

Chairperson: SHIKAZONO Naoki (The University of Tokyo)

E131 Macroscopic model of freezing time of supercooled droplets

◯ AGUI Haruka (Waseda Univ.), GIANNETTI Niccolo, MIKOSHIBA Satomi, SAITO Kiyoshi

E132 Molecular dynamics study on the correlation between the dynamic property of water molecules and ice nucleation in the vicinity of a nanostructured surface

◎ MASUDA Shiryu (Osaka University), FUJIWARA Kunio, MATSUMOTO Ryosuke (Kansai University), SHIBAHARA Masahiko (Osaka University)

E133 Study on adhesion strength of anionic surfactant-doped ice to metal plates at nanoscale.

◎ OKADA Ryuji (Univ. Chuo), ITO Koki, TAKEUCHI Jumpei, MATSUMOTO Koji

E134 Measurement of the particle size distribution of mist particles formed on a cryogenic horizontal flat plate during frost formation

◎ HATTORI Akihiro (UTokyo), TOMITA Taisei (Waseda Univ.), NISHIKAWA Hikaru, SATO Tetsuya, WATANABE Toshinori (UTokyo), HIMENO Takehiro

E14 Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 3 15:00 〜 16:00

Chairperson: ONISHI Hajime (Komatsu University)

E141 Frost microstructure development with frost layer growth

◯ MATSUMOTO Ryosuke (Kansai Univ.)

E142 Frost growth comparison on stripe-patterned surfaces of Silver Iodide (AgI) and Platinum (Pt)

◎ TANG Jinchen (Univ. Tokyo), OKABE Takao, NISHIMURA Katsuhiko, SHIKAZONO Naoki

E143 Proposal of non-contact shape measurement of arbitrary cross section of frost layer using light section method

◯ TOMITA Taisei (Waseda University), HATTORI Akihiro (The University of Tokyo), YOSHIDA Mikio (Waseda University), NISHIKAWA Hikaru, SATO Tetsuya