Author Index


ABE, Shunsuke E213 / Heat and Mass Transfer in Solid-Liquid Phase Change 1
AGUI, Haruka E131 / Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 2
AHMED, Shafi D233 / Low Temperature Application and Technology for Food and Biomaterials 3
AKADA, Ikuro A211 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 2
A212 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 2
AKASAKA, Ryo D121 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 2
D123 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 2
D314 / Current Status on the Research and Development of Alternative Refrigerants to R23 1
D331 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 2
AKIO, Miyara A221 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 3
AKISAWA, Atsushi E231 / Thermally Driven Technologies and Its Applications for Carbon Neutrality 1
AKITA, Tomoyuki C214 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 5
AKIZAWA, Takehiro B221 / Present Status and Future Development of Compressors 2
ANAMI, Keiko B212 / Present Status and Future Development of Compressors 1
B213 / Present Status and Future Development of Compressors 1
AOKI, Yasutaka A341 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 8
AOYAMA, Haruka D231 / Low Temperature Application and Technology for Food and Biomaterials 3
ARIMA, Hirofumi A214 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 2
ARUGA, Kosei D333 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 2
ASADA, Tadashi C333 / Energy Manegement of Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Systems 2
ASANO, Hitoshi A313 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 5
ASAOKA, Tatsunori E213 / Heat and Mass Transfer in Solid-Liquid Phase Change 1
ASAOKA, Yoshihiko A123 / Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 2
ATSUSHI, Inaba B234 / Seminar on Compressor Technology 1


BABA, Soumei A142 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 1
BEI, Bao-qiang D114 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 1
BEKKI, Yoichiro A121 / Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 2
BUTT, S Sannan D312 / Current Status on the Research and Development of Alternative Refrigerants to R23 1
BYEON, Sangwoo D243 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 5


CAO, Bowen C213 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 5
CHA, Jae Hwan D242 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 5
CHAERUN NISA, Elsa E115 / General Session 1
CHAKRABARTY, Ankush E311 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 1
CHAN, Kai-wei A315 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 5
CHANG, Po-chia A312 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 5
CHANG, Tong-bou A215 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 2
D111 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 1
D112 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 1
D114 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 1
D133 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 3
CHANG, Yu-chuan D145 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 4
CHEN, Chia-yuan D113 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 1
CHEN, Hao D133 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 3
CHEN, Haonan C142 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 4
CHEN, Xiaoyu C121 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 2
CHEN, Yi-hsun D115 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 1
CHEN, Yu-chih D145 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 4
CHENG, Yang C141 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 4
CHIEN, Liang-han A236 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 4
CHIKANO, Masatsugu B211 / Present Status and Future Development of Compressors 1
CHING, Shou-ang D141 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 4
CHIWATA, Mitsuki E214 / Heat and Mass Transfer in Solid-Liquid Phase Change 1
CHO, Jinkyun D243 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 5


DAIMO, Masashi C324 / Energy Manegement of Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Systems 1
DANG, Chaobin A332 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 7
C315 / General Session 3
DEGUCHI, Ryohei B323 / Simulation Technology for Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Water Heating 1
DOHGAN, Yoshihiro C313 / General Session 3
DOWAKI, Kiyoshi B311 / General Session 2
DUC, X Tran D324 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 1
DUC, XUAN Tran B141 / Thermophysical Properties of Refrigerants 2


EGUCHI, Shunsaku A133 / Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 3
EMURA, Chie A112 / Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 1
ENDO, Kanako B321 / Simulation Technology for Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Water Heating 1
ENDO, Kazuko C341 / Energy Manegement of Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Systems 3
ENDOH, Kazuhiro B221 / Present Status and Future Development of Compressors 2
ENOKI, Koji A212 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 2
A235 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 4
A343 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 8
C222 / Heat Pump for Co-creation of Future Society 1
D332 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 2
E342 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 4
ESAKI, Takehiro C113 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 1


FAN, Syuan-yu D124 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 2
FANG, He C144 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 4
FUCHIKAMI, Hideki C343 / Energy Manegement of Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Systems 3
FUJII, Keisuke B332 / Simulation Technology for Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Water Heating 2
FUJII, Tatsuo C112 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 1
FUJIKI, Junpei E232 / Thermally Driven Technologies and Its Applications for Carbon Neutrality 1
FUJIMOTO, Shintaro E222 / Heat and Mass Transfer in Solid-Liquid Phase Change 2
FUJIMOTO, Shuji E323 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 2
FUJIMURA, Ryoko A122 / Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 2
FUJITA, Hidenori E312 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 1
FUJIWARA, Kengo B311 / General Session 2
FUJIWARA, Kunio E132 / Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 2
FUJIWARA, Tomoya D121 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 2
D122 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 2
D123 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 2
FUKADA, Sayo A122 / Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 2
FUKUDA, Sho A213 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 2
D331 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 2
FUKUI, Noriaki A343 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 8
FUKUSHIMA, Masato B132 / Thermophysical Properties of Refrigerants 1
FUKUTA, Mitsuhiro B215 / Present Status and Future Development of Compressors 1
D333 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 2
FUNAMI, Yuki A222 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 3
FUNATANI, Shumpei B314 / General Session 2
B315 / General Session 2
FURUKAWA, Shunsuke E333 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 3
FURUKI, Keimei E233 / Thermally Driven Technologies and Its Applications for Carbon Neutrality 1
FUTAWATARI, Naoki B333 / Simulation Technology for Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Water Heating 2


GANG, Yan D132 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 3
GAO, Lei A232 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 4
B143 / Thermophysical Properties of Refrigerants 2
GAO, Ren-xian D114 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 1
GIANNETTI, Niccolo A235 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 4
B332 / Simulation Technology for Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Water Heating 2
C222 / Heat Pump for Co-creation of Future Society 1
C223 / Heat Pump for Co-creation of Future Society 1
D332 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 2
E131 / Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 2
E342 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 4
E343 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 4
GOCHO, Makoto D321 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 1
GOTO, Aoi E323 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 2
GOTO, Takuya A112 / Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 1
GOTOH, Kuniaki C124 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 2
GUIXIANG, He D132 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 3
GUOQIANG, Liu D132 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 3


HAGIWARA, Yusuke B215 / Present Status and Future Development of Compressors 1
HAKIMATUL, Ubudiyah A234 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 4
HAMADA, Hiroka C134 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 3
HAMAMOTO, Yoshinori D131 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 3
E234 / Thermally Driven Technologies and Its Applications for Carbon Neutrality 1
HAONAN, Chen C212 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 5
HARA, Aoi A122 / Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 2
HARADA, Kotoka D223 / Low Temperature Application and Technology for Food and Biomaterials 2
HARADA, Masatoshi C332 / Energy Manegement of Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Systems 2
HASAN, Afnan A231 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 4
HASHIMOTO, Itsuki A232 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 4
HASHIMOTO, Mai B132 / Thermophysical Properties of Refrigerants 1
HASIB, Md Ikramul A234 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 4
HATADA, Takafumi A321 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 6
HATTORI, Akihiro E121 / Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 1
E134 / Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 2
E143 / Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 3
HATTORI, Jun'ichi B212 / Present Status and Future Development of Compressors 1
HATTORI, Miki C131 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 3
HAYAMIZU, Hiroki B132 / Thermophysical Properties of Refrigerants 1
B133 / Thermophysical Properties of Refrigerants 1
HAYASHI, Sota D224 / Low Temperature Application and Technology for Food and Biomaterials 2
HAZAMA, Daiki B212 / Present Status and Future Development of Compressors 1
HE, Fang C122 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 2
E223 / Heat and Mass Transfer in Solid-Liquid Phase Change 2
HIDA, Yoshinori C324 / Energy Manegement of Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Systems 1
HIGASHI, Tomohiro E113 / General Session 1
HIGASHI, Yukihiro B131 / Thermophysical Properties of Refrigerants 1
D121 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 2
D122 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 2
D123 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 2
D312 / Current Status on the Research and Development of Alternative Refrigerants to R23 1
D322 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 1
HIHARA, Eiji D342 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 3
HIMENO, Takehiro E134 / Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 2
HIRAI, Keisuke A313 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 5
HIRANO, Ryosei D341 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 3
HIRATA, Rio B323 / Simulation Technology for Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Water Heating 1
HIRATA, Ryuga B141 / Thermophysical Properties of Refrigerants 2
D324 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 1
HIRATSUKA, Kengo D121 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 2
D122 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 2
D123 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 2
HIRAYAMA, Hitoshi C324 / Energy Manegement of Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Systems 1
HIROKAWA, Tomoki A224 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 3
HIROSE, Jumpei B223 / Present Status and Future Development of Compressors 2
HIROSE, Masataka A223 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 3
A324 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 6
HIROTA, Masafumi A111 / Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 1
A321 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 6
HIRUTA, Kentaro C112 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 1
HITOSHI, Asano A233 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 4
HONG, Sihui C315 / General Session 3
HORIBE, Akihiko E221 / Heat and Mass Transfer in Solid-Liquid Phase Change 2
E222 / Heat and Mass Transfer in Solid-Liquid Phase Change 2
HOSHI, Rinnosuke B333 / Simulation Technology for Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Water Heating 2
HOSHINAKA, Takashi D223 / Low Temperature Application and Technology for Food and Biomaterials 2
HOSHINO, Hitoshi D232 / Low Temperature Application and Technology for Food and Biomaterials 3
HSU, Cheng-tang D142 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 4
HSU, Chih-neng D115 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 1
HSU, Po-wei A312 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 5
HYODO, Kai E121 / Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 1


ICHIHASHI, Hiroshige C332 / Energy Manegement of Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Systems 2
ICHINOSE, Atsuhiro C123 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 2
IDA, Haruki A214 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 2
IDE, Tetsuya C134 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 3
IGARASHI, Mizuki E213 / Heat and Mass Transfer in Solid-Liquid Phase Change 1
IKEDA, Akihiro A321 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 6
IKEDA, Yasuyuki B214 / Present Status and Future Development of Compressors 1
IKUMI, Yonezo C114 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 1
IMABAYASHI, Ryosuke B124 / Advancement in Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Technologies in Western Japan Area 2
IMAI, Shotaro A333 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 7
IMAMURA, Tomohiko B133 / Thermophysical Properties of Refrigerants 1
D341 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 3
INOUE, Hiroyuki E323 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 2
INOUE, Kakeru A333 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 7
INOUE, Koichi B121 / Advancement in Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Technologies in Western Japan Area 2
INOUE, Koji E233 / Thermally Driven Technologies and Its Applications for Carbon Neutrality 1
INOUE, Naoyuki C114 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 1
INOUE, Norihiro A143 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 1
A211 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 2
A223 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 3
A311 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 5
A323 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 6
A324 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 6
INOUE, Yuki D321 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 1
ISE, Takuya A331 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 7
ISETANI, Haruno B323 / Simulation Technology for Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Water Heating 1
ISHA, Isha D123 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 2
ISHII, Masahisa C341 / Energy Manegement of Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Systems 3
ISHIKAWA, Susumu D214 / Low Temperature Application and Technology for Food and Biomaterials 1
ISHIZAKI, Satoshi E333 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 3
ISOBE, Kazuma E222 / Heat and Mass Transfer in Solid-Liquid Phase Change 2
ITAIWI, Alaa D121 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 2
D122 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 2
D123 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 2
ITO, Akihito B323 / Simulation Technology for Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Water Heating 1
ITO, Koki E133 / Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 2
E214 / Heat and Mass Transfer in Solid-Liquid Phase Change 1
ITO, Makoto D342 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 3
E113 / General Session 1
ITO, Takahide B232 / Seminar on Compressor Technology 1
ITO, Yuta C315 / General Session 3
ITSUNARI, Fukushima B123 / Advancement in Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Technologies in Western Japan Area 2
IWAKI, Kenta A324 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 6
IWAMOTO, Tomoharu D232 / Low Temperature Application and Technology for Food and Biomaterials 3
IWASAKI, Toru B121 / Advancement in Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Technologies in Western Japan Area 2


JEONG, Jongsoo A322 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 6
C133 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 3
JIANG, Liqiang D143 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 4
JIGE, Daisuke A143 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 1
A311 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 5
A323 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 6
JINZENJI, Yuki B322 / Simulation Technology for Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Water Heating 1
JODO, Kana D232 / Low Temperature Application and Technology for Food and Biomaterials 3
JUNYA, Togawa C144 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 4


KAGAMI, Rintaro B215 / Present Status and Future Development of Compressors 1
KAIDA, Takenobu E341 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 4
KAJIMOTO, Koharu C124 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 2
KAJIRO, Hiroshi E232 / Thermally Driven Technologies and Its Applications for Carbon Neutrality 1
KAKEHI, Takato A314 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 5
KAKI, Hirokazu C123 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 2
KAMATA, Haruyuki E211 / Heat and Mass Transfer in Solid-Liquid Phase Change 1
KAMIYAMA, Shotaro A143 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 1
KANDO, Masanori A132 / Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 3
KANNO, Sugumi E321 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 2
KANNO, Toru C134 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 3
KANO, Yuya D323 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 1
KARASAKI, Takuya C341 / Energy Manegement of Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Systems 3
KASAI, Akihiro A222 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 3
KASHIWAZAKI, Satoshi E312 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 1
KATAOKA, Teruyoshi E312 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 1
KATAOKA, Yoshimasa E312 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 1
KATO, Ryuhei B315 / General Session 2
KATO, Sota E121 / Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 1
KATSUMI, Sugimoto A233 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 4
KATSUNORI, Nagano C144 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 4
KATSURA, Takao E223 / Heat and Mass Transfer in Solid-Liquid Phase Change 2
KAWAAGUCHI, Masaki B224 / Present Status and Future Development of Compressors 2
KAWABATA, Shinichi B222 / Present Status and Future Development of Compressors 2
B322 / Simulation Technology for Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Water Heating 1
B323 / Simulation Technology for Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Water Heating 1
KAWAI, Kiyoshi D231 / Low Temperature Application and Technology for Food and Biomaterials 3
KAWAJIRI, Yoshiaki E232 / Thermally Driven Technologies and Its Applications for Carbon Neutrality 1
KAWANAMI, Osamu A224 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 3
KAYASHIMA, Daiki A132 / Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 3
KAZUHIRO, Tada B234 / Seminar on Compressor Technology 1
KAZUYUKI, Sakemi B123 / Advancement in Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Technologies in Western Japan Area 2
KEISHI, Kariya A221 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 3
KIKUCHI, Shogo C314 / General Session 3
KIM, Cheol-hwan D332 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 2
KIM, Hyungyoung A322 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 6
KIM, Moojoong A322 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 6
C213 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 5
KIMATA, Yoshiyuki B232 / Seminar on Compressor Technology 1
KIMURA, Kenichiro C341 / Energy Manegement of Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Systems 3
KIMURA, Natsuki A331 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 7
KIMURA, Ryuji C132 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 3
KIMURA, Shunto E122 / Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 1
KIMURA, Takafumi B224 / Present Status and Future Development of Compressors 2
KIMURA, Takashi C311 / General Session 3
KINJO, Tomihiro A235 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 4
KINO, Masato D211 / Low Temperature Application and Technology for Food and Biomaterials 1
KINOSHITA, Koichi A142 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 1
KITA, Hideki C121 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 2
KITA, Shota B223 / Present Status and Future Development of Compressors 2
KITAMURA, Tetsuya E333 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 3
KIZAWA, Yoshihito C215 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 5
KOBAYASHI, Keito E122 / Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 1
KOBAYASHI, Noriyuki C123 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 2
KOBAYASHI, Rika D223 / Low Temperature Application and Technology for Food and Biomaterials 2
D232 / Low Temperature Application and Technology for Food and Biomaterials 3
KOBAYASHI, Yoshihiro E212 / Heat and Mass Transfer in Solid-Liquid Phase Change 1
KODAMA, Akio C143 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 4
E233 / Thermally Driven Technologies and Its Applications for Carbon Neutrality 1
KOITO, Kairi A343 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 8
KOIZUMI, Yoshiaki C344 / Energy Manegement of Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Systems 3
KOJIMA, Mitsuo E313 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 1
E314 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 1
KOMORIYA, Toru A114 / Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 1
KONDOU, Chieko D311 / Current Status on the Research and Development of Alternative Refrigerants to R23 1
D331 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 2
KONNO, Yoshiki A113 / Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 1
KOTO, Yoshikazu E333 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 3
KOTONE, Hirotaka E232 / Thermally Driven Technologies and Its Applications for Carbon Neutrality 1
KOYAMA, Toshie E211 / Heat and Mass Transfer in Solid-Liquid Phase Change 1
E212 / Heat and Mass Transfer in Solid-Liquid Phase Change 1
KOZONO, Rinto E111 / General Session 1
KUAN, Yean-der A315 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 5
D113 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 1
D124 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 2
D145 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 4
E115 / General Session 1
KUBOTA, Mitsuhiro C121 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 2
KUMADA, Akiko E112 / General Session 1
KUMAKURA, Hideo E322 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 2
KUMANO, Hiroyuki E211 / Heat and Mass Transfer in Solid-Liquid Phase Change 1
E212 / Heat and Mass Transfer in Solid-Liquid Phase Change 1
KUMITA, Mikio C143 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 4
KUNIYOSHI, Nao E313 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 1
E314 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 1
KURAHASHI, Tetsuo C214 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 5
KURAMOTO, Naoki D323 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 1
KURIYAMA, Tooru B321 / Simulation Technology for Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Water Heating 1
KURODA, Kohei E323 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 2
KUROSE, Kizuku A331 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 7
A342 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 8
KUROSE, Ryoichi B324 / Simulation Technology for Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Water Heating 1
KUWAHARA, Mikiharu B234 / Seminar on Compressor Technology 1


LAN, Fang Yin D144 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 4
LEE, Kwang Ho D242 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 5
LEE, Kyoungmoo C343 / Energy Manegement of Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Systems 3
LEE, Min-chen D111 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 1
LEE, Sangmu A322 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 6
LEE, Yee-ting A312 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 5
LEE, Yu-hsien A312 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 5
LI, Chengzhi C315 / General Session 3
LI, Chun-hung D141 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 4
LI, Guangyao C142 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 4
C211 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 5
LI, Hao-wei D113 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 1
LI, Hung-hao A315 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 5
LIAO, Yen-ren A312 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 5
LIN, Cheng-hsiang E115 / General Session 1
LIN, Chih-ting A215 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 2
LIN, Wen-sheng D111 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 1
LIN, Yu-chun D112 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 1
LIU, Gumo B342 / Simulation Technology for Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Water Heating 3
LIU, Hongzhi B341 / Simulation Technology for Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Water Heating 3
B342 / Simulation Technology for Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Water Heating 3
C122 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 2
E344 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 4
LIU, Xuetao C142 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 4
LO, Yun-chien D133 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 3
LUO, Win Jet D144 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 4
LUO, Win-jet D134 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 3


MACHIDA, Akito C343 / Energy Manegement of Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Systems 3
MAEDA, Kento C213 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 5
MAEZONO, Hiroki B223 / Present Status and Future Development of Compressors 2
MANZAKI, Tomoya E344 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 4
MARK, A Redo D221 / Low Temperature Application and Technology for Food and Biomaterials 2
MARUYAMA, Naoki A321 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 6
MASUDA, Masao E211 / Heat and Mass Transfer in Solid-Liquid Phase Change 1
MASUDA, Shiryu E132 / Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 2
MASUNO, Katsuya C213 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 5
MATSUDA, Kenji C232 / Heat Pump for Co-creation of Future Society 2
C234 / Heat Pump for Co-creation of Future Society 2
MATSUI, Nobuki B233 / Seminar on Compressor Technology 1
C323 / Energy Manegement of Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Systems 1
MATSUKAWA, Shingo D233 / Low Temperature Application and Technology for Food and Biomaterials 3
MATSUMOTO, Koji E133 / Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 2
MATSUMOTO, Kouji E214 / Heat and Mass Transfer in Solid-Liquid Phase Change 1
MATSUMOTO, Noboru C333 / Energy Manegement of Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Systems 2
MATSUMOTO, Ryosuke E122 / Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 1
E132 / Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 2
E141 / Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 3
MATSUMOTO, Tomoya B223 / Present Status and Future Development of Compressors 2
MIAO, Shan B311 / General Session 2
MIAO, Yufeng D331 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 2
MIAO, Yufon D311 / Current Status on the Research and Development of Alternative Refrigerants to R23 1
MIKI, Taichi D224 / Low Temperature Application and Technology for Food and Biomaterials 2
MIKOSHIBA, Satomi E131 / Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 2
MIKSIK, Frantisek E232 / Thermally Driven Technologies and Its Applications for Carbon Neutrality 1
MINO, Yasushi C124 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 2
MISHIMA, Fumiya A223 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 3
MITOMI, Yuta D223 / Low Temperature Application and Technology for Food and Biomaterials 2
MIYAKOSHI, Tomoya C333 / Energy Manegement of Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Systems 2
MIYAMOTO, Hiroyuki A112 / Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 1
MIYANE, Kozue D322 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 1
MIYAOKA, Yoichi B332 / Simulation Technology for Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Water Heating 2
C223 / Heat Pump for Co-creation of Future Society 1
E342 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 4
MIYARA, Akio A231 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 4
A234 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 4
B141 / Thermophysical Properties of Refrigerants 2
B142 / Thermophysical Properties of Refrigerants 2
D324 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 1
MIYATA, Kazushi A213 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 2
A232 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 4
A331 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 7
A342 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 8
A344 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 8
MIYAZAKI, Takahiko C111 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 1
C142 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 4
C211 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 5
D121 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 2
D122 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 2
D123 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 2
D312 / Current Status on the Research and Development of Alternative Refrigerants to R23 1
MIYOSHI, Kohei D311 / Current Status on the Research and Development of Alternative Refrigerants to R23 1
MIZUNO, Ato C223 / Heat Pump for Co-creation of Future Society 1
E342 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 4
MIZUSAWA, Tatsuya C333 / Energy Manegement of Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Systems 2
MIZUTA, Kei A141 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 1
MIZUTANI, Suguru C231 / Heat Pump for Co-creation of Future Society 2
MIZUTANI, Yuya B224 / Present Status and Future Development of Compressors 2
MOCHIZUKI, Miyo C214 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 5
MOCHIZUKI, Takeshi A212 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 2
MOON, Joo Hyun D243 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 5
MORI, Hayato E111 / General Session 1
MORI, Keita D331 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 2
MORI, Keta D311 / Current Status on the Research and Development of Alternative Refrigerants to R23 1
MORI, Kohei A321 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 6
MORI, Natsuki B312 / General Session 2
MORI, Shigeo E312 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 1
MORI, Shoji E341 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 4
MORI, Tomokazu D321 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 1
MORI, Yuki E311 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 1
MORIMOTO, Takashi E212 / Heat and Mass Transfer in Solid-Liquid Phase Change 1
MORISAKI, Kotaro D311 / Current Status on the Research and Development of Alternative Refrigerants to R23 1
D331 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 2
MORITA, Hisato B321 / Simulation Technology for Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Water Heating 1
MORSHED, Monjur B142 / Thermophysical Properties of Refrigerants 2
D324 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 1
MOTOZAWA, Masaaki B215 / Present Status and Future Development of Compressors 1
D333 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 2
MURATA, Akihiko B121 / Advancement in Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Technologies in Western Japan Area 2
MURATA, Yukio E322 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 2
MURAYAMA, Rin A114 / Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 1


NABESHIMA, Yuki C132 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 3
NAGAFUSA, Tomoyuki C314 / General Session 3
NAGAHARA, Shunichi A133 / Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 3
NAGANO, Katsunori B341 / Simulation Technology for Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Water Heating 3
B342 / Simulation Technology for Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Water Heating 3
C122 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 2
E223 / Heat and Mass Transfer in Solid-Liquid Phase Change 2
E344 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 4
NAGASAWA, Yoshihiko A114 / Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 1
NAGATA, Junichiro E332 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 3
NAGATA, Shuhei B221 / Present Status and Future Development of Compressors 2
NAGATOSHI, Yujiro A231 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 4
NAITO, Kaito C132 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 3
NAKAGAMI, Hidetoshi C231 / Heat Pump for Co-creation of Future Society 2
NAKAHARAI, Hiroyuki A133 / Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 3
NAKAI, Takahiro E311 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 1
NAKAMURA, Hajime A222 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 3
NAKAMURA, Kosaku B221 / Present Status and Future Development of Compressors 2
NAKANISHI, Akane C313 / General Session 3
NAKANO, Hayato A235 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 4
NAKANO, Ryoichi E331 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 3
NAKANO, Takuya A224 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 3
NAKASO, Koichi C124 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 2
NAKAYAMA, Hiroshi E312 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 1
NATSUME, Kana A113 / Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 1
NATSUMURA, Kotaro A343 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 8
NEMOTO, Shimpei A113 / Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 1
NISHIDA, Kosaku A211 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 2
A212 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 2
NISHIDA, Ryosuke A121 / Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 2
NISHIHASHI, Kanako D323 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 1
NISHIKAWA, Hikaru E121 / Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 1
E134 / Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 2
E143 / Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 3
NISHIKAWA, Reona B343 / Simulation Technology for Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Water Heating 3
NISHIMURA, Katsuhiko E142 / Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 3
NISHIMURA, Kosuke B222 / Present Status and Future Development of Compressors 2
B322 / Simulation Technology for Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Water Heating 1
B323 / Simulation Technology for Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Water Heating 1
NISHIMURA, Kuniyuki C232 / Heat Pump for Co-creation of Future Society 2
NISHINA, Takumi C134 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 3
NISHIO, Jun B324 / Simulation Technology for Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Water Heating 1
NISHIO, Tsubasa B213 / Present Status and Future Development of Compressors 1
NISHIYAMA, Takashi B143 / Thermophysical Properties of Refrigerants 2
NISHIZAKI, Ayami A311 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 5
NISIGUCHI, Tsubasa C215 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 5
NOBUHIDE, Tanino B235 / Seminar on Compressor Technology 1
NOGAMI, Hiroshi C124 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 2
NOGAMI, Taiga A311 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 5
A323 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 6
NOGUCHI, Ryogo A143 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 1
NOMA, Kengo B213 / Present Status and Future Development of Compressors 1
NORITO, Kudo B331 / Simulation Technology for Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Water Heating 2
NOZAWA, Yoshiaki E332 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 3
NUMATA, Natsumi A311 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 5


ODA, Yutaka E122 / Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 1
OGAWA, Kota D311 / Current Status on the Research and Development of Alternative Refrigerants to R23 1
D331 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 2
OGAWA, Ryuhi B141 / Thermophysical Properties of Refrigerants 2
D324 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 1
OGAWA, Takuma E214 / Heat and Mass Transfer in Solid-Liquid Phase Change 1
OHMI, Sayori D214 / Low Temperature Application and Technology for Food and Biomaterials 1
OHUE, Akinori C313 / General Session 3
OI, Genki B314 / General Session 2
OKABE, Takao E142 / Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 3
OKADA, Ryuji E133 / Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 2
OKAMOTO, Hidekazu D342 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 3
OKAMOTO, Hiroaki C231 / Heat Pump for Co-creation of Future Society 2
OKAMURA, Riho D212 / Low Temperature Application and Technology for Food and Biomaterials 1
OKU, Tatsuya B214 / Present Status and Future Development of Compressors 1
OMURA, Kanato C123 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 2
ONAKA, Yoji C314 / General Session 3
ONISHI, Hajime E124 / Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 1
ONODA, Hiroshi C342 / Energy Manegement of Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Systems 3
ONODERA, Ayumi A321 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 6
ONUMA, Atsushi B211 / Present Status and Future Development of Compressors 1
OOHARA, Toshio E312 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 1
ORITA, Hisayuki E211 / Heat and Mass Transfer in Solid-Liquid Phase Change 1
E212 / Heat and Mass Transfer in Solid-Liquid Phase Change 1
OSAKA, Yugo E233 / Thermally Driven Technologies and Its Applications for Carbon Neutrality 1
OSUGA, Nobuo A132 / Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 3
OUCHI, Takafumi A235 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 4
B121 / Advancement in Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Technologies in Western Japan Area 2
OUCHI, Takahumi A343 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 8
OZAWA, Ryo C131 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 3


PARK, Jun Kyu D242 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 5


QIN, Xiawei D131 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 3


RAGHUNATHAN, Arvind E311 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 1
RAKPAKDEE, Wannarat D333 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 2
REDO, A Mark D213 / Low Temperature Application and Technology for Food and Biomaterials 1
D214 / Low Temperature Application and Technology for Food and Biomaterials 1
REDO, Mark Anthony D212 / Low Temperature Application and Technology for Food and Biomaterials 1
RIKI, Kawakami A221 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 3
RISA, Igarashi C144 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 4


SAGAWA, Kentaro A143 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 1
SAIKAWA, Michiyuki E114 / General Session 1
SAITO, Kiyoshi A235 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 4
A322 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 6
B332 / Simulation Technology for Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Water Heating 2
C114 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 1
C133 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 3
C213 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 5
C221 / Heat Pump for Co-creation of Future Society 1
C222 / Heat Pump for Co-creation of Future Society 1
C223 / Heat Pump for Co-creation of Future Society 1
C232 / Heat Pump for Co-creation of Future Society 2
C234 / Heat Pump for Co-creation of Future Society 2
C235 / Heat Pump for Co-creation of Future Society 2
C321 / Energy Manegement of Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Systems 1
D332 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 2
E131 / Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 2
E342 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 4
E343 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 4
SAITO, Rei E331 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 3
SAITO, Shimpei A142 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 1
SAITO, Takashi A114 / Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 1
SAKAGUCHI, Katsuya C324 / Energy Manegement of Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Systems 1
SAKAI, Gakuto C323 / Energy Manegement of Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Systems 1
SAKAI, Haruna E233 / Thermally Driven Technologies and Its Applications for Carbon Neutrality 1
SAKAI, Masayuki A341 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 8
SAKAMOTO, Kosuke D224 / Low Temperature Application and Technology for Food and Biomaterials 2
SAKAMOTO, Kyoka D222 / Low Temperature Application and Technology for Food and Biomaterials 2
SAKATOKU, Kaishi C143 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 4
SAKODA, Naoya D322 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 1
SAMEEN, Isha D121 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 2
D122 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 2
SASAHARA, Kodai E313 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 1
E314 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 1
SASAKI, Koudai A332 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 7
SASAKI, Masanori E332 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 3
SASAKI, Shinji E111 / General Session 1
SATO, Hajime B232 / Seminar on Compressor Technology 1
SATO, Haruki E313 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 1
SATO, Hideaki B214 / Present Status and Future Development of Compressors 1
SATO, Keiichi A133 / Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 3
SATO, Masahiro E112 / General Session 1
SATO, Riko D224 / Low Temperature Application and Technology for Food and Biomaterials 2
SATO, Tetsuya E121 / Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 1
E134 / Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 2
E143 / Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 3
SATO, Yuma B314 / General Session 2
SAWARA, Makoto C131 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 3
SAWAYAMA, Tomoki B133 / Thermophysical Properties of Refrigerants 1
SEI, Yuichi A235 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 4
C222 / Heat Pump for Co-creation of Future Society 1
D332 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 2
E342 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 4
SHIBAHARA, Masahiko E132 / Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 2
SHIH, Shi-hao D142 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 4
SHIH, Yang-cheng D142 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 4
SHIKAZONO, Naoki A121 / Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 2
E142 / Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 3
SHIM, Ji-soo D241 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 5
SHIMAKAWA, Hajime E112 / General Session 1
SHIMAMOTO, Takuma B132 / Thermophysical Properties of Refrigerants 1
SHIMOSAKA, Koh D313 / Current Status on the Research and Development of Alternative Refrigerants to R23 1
SHINADA, Naoya C311 / General Session 3
SHO, Yoshida C144 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 4
SHOGO, Ito B235 / Seminar on Compressor Technology 1
SHOLAHUDIN, Sholahudin E342 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 4
SHOTA, Akai A233 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 4
SHUMPEI, Ichikawa B122 / Advancement in Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Technologies in Western Japan Area 2
SOMAD, ZAINURI Chairunnisa C111 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 1
SOMEYA, Satoshi A142 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 1
E212 / Heat and Mass Transfer in Solid-Liquid Phase Change 1
SONG, Doosam D241 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 5
SU, Jung-jung A312 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 5
SUEMATSU, Jun-ichi D341 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 3
SUENAGA, Tomiko A124 / Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 2
SUGAI, Yuichi C113 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 1
SUGIHARA, Daiki B132 / Thermophysical Properties of Refrigerants 1
SUGIHARA, Kouta C333 / Energy Manegement of Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Systems 2
SUGIMOTO, Katsumi A313 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 5
SUGITA, I Wayan A221 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 3
SUZAWA, Hiroshi D321 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 1
SUZUKI, Masanobu C331 / Energy Manegement of Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Systems 2
SUZUKI, Toru D223 / Low Temperature Application and Technology for Food and Biomaterials 2
D232 / Low Temperature Application and Technology for Food and Biomaterials 3
SUZUKI, Yoshinori E331 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 3
SUZUKI, Yuta A112 / Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 1
SUZUKI, Yutaka A114 / Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 1


TADA, Yukio D222 / Low Temperature Application and Technology for Food and Biomaterials 2
TAHARA, Daiki C223 / Heat Pump for Co-creation of Future Society 1
TAKACHI, Katsuaki A234 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 4
TAKADA, Naoki A142 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 1
TAKAGI, Masato D341 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 3
TAKAGI, Yoshio B212 / Present Status and Future Development of Compressors 1
TAKAHASHI, Hideki C313 / General Session 3
TAKAHASHI, Hisashi B313 / General Session 2
TAKAHASHI, Yuta A133 / Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 3
TAKAHIKO, Miyazaki B331 / Simulation Technology for Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Water Heating 2
C141 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 4
C212 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 5
TAKAKI, Tomohiro B224 / Present Status and Future Development of Compressors 2
TAKASHI, Usui D343 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 3
TAKASHI, Yoshimura D343 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 3
TAKASU, Yogo B232 / Seminar on Compressor Technology 1
TAKATA, Yasuyuki B111 / Advancement in Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Technologies in Western Japan Area 1
D322 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 1
TAKATSUKA, Takeshi C311 / General Session 3
C312 / General Session 3
TAKEDA, Hiroya B311 / General Session 2
TAKEDA, Tetsuaki B312 / General Session 2
TAKEDA, Tetuaki B314 / General Session 2
TAKEICHI, Kota B234 / Seminar on Compressor Technology 1
TAKEMURA, Ryuichi B321 / Simulation Technology for Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Water Heating 1
TAKEUCHI, Jumpei E133 / Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 2
TAKIOKA, Ryosuke C114 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 1
TANABE, Yusuke E323 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 2
TANAKA, Fumihiko A131 / Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 3
TANAKA, Fumina A131 / Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 3
TANAKA, Hirofumi A112 / Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 1
TANAKA, Kosuke B321 / Simulation Technology for Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Water Heating 1
TANAKA, Masaaki D232 / Low Temperature Application and Technology for Food and Biomaterials 3
TANAKA, Raimu E322 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 2
TANAKA, Satoru C233 / Heat Pump for Co-creation of Future Society 2
TANG, Huihuang D143 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 4
TANG, Jinchen E142 / Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 3
TANIMOTO, Koichi A133 / Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 3
TANINO, Masayuki E211 / Heat and Mass Transfer in Solid-Liquid Phase Change 1
E212 / Heat and Mass Transfer in Solid-Liquid Phase Change 1
TAO, Yuto B212 / Present Status and Future Development of Compressors 1
TARA, Takeaki B124 / Advancement in Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Technologies in Western Japan Area 2
TATEBAYASHI, Keisuke B333 / Simulation Technology for Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Water Heating 2
TATENO, Takaya D232 / Low Temperature Application and Technology for Food and Biomaterials 3
TERAI, Ko A112 / Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 1
TERASHIMA, Kohei E313 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 1
TETSUJI, Inoue B112 / Advancement in Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Technologies in Western Japan Area 1
THU, Kyaw B331 / Simulation Technology for Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Water Heating 2
C111 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 1
C141 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 4
C142 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 4
C211 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 5
C212 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 5
D121 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 2
D122 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 2
D123 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 2
D312 / Current Status on the Research and Development of Alternative Refrigerants to R23 1
D322 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 1
TIANYANG, Zhao D132 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 3
TODATE, Tatsuhito B333 / Simulation Technology for Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Water Heating 2
TOJO, Kenji B236 / Seminar on Compressor Technology 1
C114 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 1
TOKANO, Atsuya C215 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 5
TOMINAGA, Jun E323 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 2
TOMITA, Taisei E121 / Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 1
E134 / Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 2
E143 / Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 3
TOMOYUKI, Goto D343 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 3
TSAI, Mu-an A236 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 4
TSAI, Wei-jen A236 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 4
TSAI, Yao-hong A236 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 4
TSUBATA, Kouichi B231 / Seminar on Compressor Technology 1
TSUCHIYA, Takeshi B211 / Present Status and Future Development of Compressors 1
TSUJI, Takuma B214 / Present Status and Future Development of Compressors 1
TSUJIGUCHI, Takuya C143 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 4
E233 / Thermally Driven Technologies and Its Applications for Carbon Neutrality 1
TSUJIUCHI, Nobutaka B323 / Simulation Technology for Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Water Heating 1
TSUNODA, Isao E123 / Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 1
TSURUHA, Takeshi C333 / Energy Manegement of Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Systems 2
TUHIN, R Atiqur D324 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 1
TUHIN, RAHMAN Atiqur B141 / Thermophysical Properties of Refrigerants 2


UCHIDA, Shuichiro C112 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 1
UDAGAWA, Yosuke B333 / Simulation Technology for Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Water Heating 2
C322 / Energy Manegement of Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Systems 1
UEDA, Haruyasu E111 / General Session 1
UEDA, Ryotaro A332 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 7
UEKI, Shun C134 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 3
UEMA, Tomotaka D213 / Low Temperature Application and Technology for Food and Biomaterials 1
UGAJIN, Yuki A122 / Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 2
UMEHARA, Keisuke C311 / General Session 3
C312 / General Session 3
UMEZAWA, Shuichi A213 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 2
URAKI, Jin E213 / Heat and Mass Transfer in Solid-Liquid Phase Change 1


WADA, Shinjiro A213 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 2
WAKABAYASHI, Tsutomu C114 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 1
WAKUI, Tetsuya B343 / Simulation Technology for Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Water Heating 3
WANG, Chong-kai A315 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 5
WANG, Qi You D134 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 3
WATANABE, Manabu D212 / Low Temperature Application and Technology for Food and Biomaterials 1
D213 / Low Temperature Application and Technology for Food and Biomaterials 1
D214 / Low Temperature Application and Technology for Food and Biomaterials 1
D221 / Low Temperature Application and Technology for Food and Biomaterials 2
D223 / Low Temperature Application and Technology for Food and Biomaterials 2
WATANABE, Mayumi C341 / Energy Manegement of Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Systems 3
WATANABE, Michiharu E322 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 2
E333 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 3
WATANABE, Norihiro C233 / Heat Pump for Co-creation of Future Society 2
WATANABE, Takayuki B234 / Seminar on Compressor Technology 1
WATANABE, Takeshi C322 / Energy Manegement of Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Systems 1
WATANABE, Toshinori E134 / Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 2
WU, Yitong C111 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 1


XIE, Dong D143 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 4


YABASE, Hajime C114 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 1
YAEGASHI, Naoki C314 / General Session 3
YAJIMA, Takeshi A314 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 5
YAJIMA, Tomoyuki E232 / Thermally Driven Technologies and Its Applications for Carbon Neutrality 1
YAMADA, Eita A333 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 7
YAMADA, Hikaru E114 / General Session 1
YAMADA, Shunsuke A222 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 3
YAMADA, Takuro A112 / Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 1
YAMADA, Yui D221 / Low Temperature Application and Technology for Food and Biomaterials 2
YAMADA, Yutaka E222 / Heat and Mass Transfer in Solid-Liquid Phase Change 2
YAMAGUCHI, Katsuhiro B214 / Present Status and Future Development of Compressors 1
YAMAGUCHI, Seiichi B333 / Simulation Technology for Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Water Heating 2
C215 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 5
YAMAKAWA, Kiyoshi A112 / Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 1
YAMAMOTO, Keiichiro B121 / Advancement in Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Technologies in Western Japan Area 2
YAMAMOTO, Yuna C132 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 3
YAMANOUE, Takuya A114 / Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 1
YAMASHITA, Kyoka C214 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 5
YAMASHITA, Masahiko C214 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 5
YAMASHITA, Seiji C121 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 2
YAMASHITA, Takuma B232 / Seminar on Compressor Technology 1
YAMAUCHI, Haruto B143 / Thermophysical Properties of Refrigerants 2
YAMAUCHI, Yuma C143 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 4
YAN, Ah-taur D141 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 4
YANG, Hao-chun A312 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 5
YANG, Hongbo D143 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 4
YANG, Shaobo C315 / General Session 3
YANG, Tien-fu D124 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 2
D145 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 4
YANO, Tomohiro A323 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 6
YASUFU, Yamada D343 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 3
YEH, Yuan-ching D113 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 1
YEON, Sang Hun D242 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 5
YIN, Jiaqi E343 / The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 4
YIN, Yonggao C213 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 5
YOKOMACHI, Masaki E124 / Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 1
YOON, Dong-hee D241 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 5
YOSHIDA, Mikio E121 / Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 1
E143 / Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 3
YOSHIDA, Yoshihiko D232 / Low Temperature Application and Technology for Food and Biomaterials 3
YOSHIMOTO, Yoichi A113 / Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 1
YOSHINO, Michiharu D224 / Low Temperature Application and Technology for Food and Biomaterials 2
YOSHIOKA, Hideaki D222 / Low Temperature Application and Technology for Food and Biomaterials 2
YOSOMIYA, Yuka D321 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 1
YOU, Cheng C111 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 1
YU, Hao C211 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 5
YUASA, Motohiro A112 / Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 1
YUUKI, Shimohira A221 / Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 3


ZHANG, Zhihua D342 / Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 3
ZHENG, Xiaoyang B341 / Simulation Technology for Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Water Heating 3
ZHOU, Yingxin C111 / Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 1
ZHU, Chenhao E223 / Heat and Mass Transfer in Solid-Liquid Phase Change 2
ZUL FITRIANI, Raydha D113 / Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 1