Time Table

2024/09/04 (Day 1)

A室 B室 C室 D室 E室
09:20 〜 10:40
[A11] Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 1
09:35 〜 10:40
[B11] Advancement in Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Technologies in Western Japan Area 1
09:20 〜 10:40
[C11] Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 1
09:00 〜 10:40
[D11] Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 1
09:00 〜 10:40
[E11] General Session 1
11:00 〜 12:20
[A12] Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 2
11:00 〜 12:20
[B12] Advancement in Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Technologies in Western Japan Area 2
11:00 〜 12:20
[C12] Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 2
11:00 〜 12:20
[D12] Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 2
11:00 〜 12:20
[E12] Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 1
13:20 〜 14:40
[A13] Trends in Development of Heat Exchangers 3
13:40 〜 14:40
[B13] Thermophysical Properties of Refrigerants 1
13:20 〜 14:40
[C13] Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 3
13:20 〜 14:40
[D13] Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 3
13:20 〜 14:40
[E13] Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 2
15:00 〜 16:20
[A14] Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 1
15:00 〜 16:00
[B14] Thermophysical Properties of Refrigerants 2
15:00 〜 16:20
[C14] Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 4
15:00 〜 16:40
[D14] Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 4
15:00 〜 16:00
[E14] Phenomena and Application Technology on Frost, Snow and Ice 3

2024/09/05 (Day 2)

A室 B室 C室 D室 E室
09:00 〜 10:40
[A21] Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 2
09:00 〜 10:40
[B21] Present Status and Future Development of Compressors 1
09:00 〜 10:40
[C21] Technologies of Desiccant, Adsorption, Absorption and Chemical Reaction 5
09:20 〜 10:40
[D21] Low Temperature Application and Technology for Food and Biomaterials 1
09:20 〜 10:40
[E21] Heat and Mass Transfer in Solid-Liquid Phase Change 1
11:00 〜 12:20
[A22] Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 3
11:00 〜 12:20
[B22] Present Status and Future Development of Compressors 2
11:00 〜 12:20
[C22] Heat Pump for Co-creation of Future Society 1
11:00 〜 12:20
[D22] Low Temperature Application and Technology for Food and Biomaterials 2
11:00 〜 12:20
[E22] Heat and Mass Transfer in Solid-Liquid Phase Change 2
13:20 〜 15:20
[A23] Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 4
13:20 〜 15:20
[B23] Seminar on Compressor Technology 1
13:20 〜 15:20
[C23] Heat Pump for Co-creation of Future Society 2
13:20 〜 14:20
[D23] Low Temperature Application and Technology for Food and Biomaterials 3
13:20 〜 15:20
[E23] Thermally Driven Technologies and Its Applications for Carbon Neutrality 1
      14:30 〜 15:30
[D24] Advancement in HVAC&R Technologies in Asia 5

2024/09/06 (Day 3)

A室 B室 C室 D室 E室
09:00 〜 10:40
[A31] Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 5
09:00 〜 10:40
[B31] General Session 2
09:00 〜 10:40
[C31] General Session 3
09:20 〜 10:40
[D31] Current Status on the Research and Development of Alternative Refrigerants to R23 1
09:20 〜 10:40
[E31] The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 1
11:00 〜 12:20
[A32] Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 6
11:00 〜 12:20
[B32] Simulation Technology for Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Water Heating 1
11:00 〜 12:20
[C32] Energy Manegement of Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Systems 1
11:00 〜 12:20
[D32] Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 1
11:00 〜 12:20
[E32] The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 2
13:20 〜 14:20
[A33] Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 7
13:20 〜 14:20
[B33] Simulation Technology for Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Water Heating 2
13:20 〜 14:20
[C33] Energy Manegement of Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Systems 2
13:20 〜 14:20
[D33] Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 2
13:20 〜 14:20
[E33] The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 3
14:40 〜 16:00
[A34] Technological Development in Heat Exchangers 8
14:40 〜 15:40
[B34] Simulation Technology for Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Water Heating 3
14:40 〜 16:00
[C34] Energy Manegement of Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Systems 3
14:40 〜 15:40
[D34] Development of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technologies for Practical Use of Next-Generation Low-GWP Refrigerants 3
14:40 〜 16:00
[E34] The Next Generation Refrigeration & Heatpump Technology 4